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Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The European Linguistics Centre (EZS) is directed by its Board of Directors, consisting of three professors, one of them being the director of the Institute for the German Language in Mannheim (IDS). The other two members each hold a university chair in linguistics at Heidelberg University. Currently, the EZS Board of Directors consists of the following founding members:

Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ludwig M. Eichinger
(Director of the IDS Mannheim)
Professor Dr. Ekkehard Felder
(Professor of German Linguistics, Heidelberg University)
Professor Dr. Jörg Riecke
(Professor of German Linguistics with a special focus on
historical linguistics, Heidelberg University)
Prof. Dr. Jörg Riecke

The Board of Directors meets periodically and, in consultation with the EZS staff, coordinates the cooperation between IDS and Heidelberg University with regard to research and teaching.