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Europäisches Zentrum für Sprachwissenschaften Heidelberg / Mannheim

Vortragsreihe „Sprache – Leib – Interaktion“



Das Leibniz-Institut für Deutsche Sprache Mannheim und die Universität Heidelberg veranstalten im Wintersemester 2023/24 gemeinsam die Vortragsreihe „Sprache – Leib – Interaktion“ (Plakat). Organisiert von Prof. Dr. Arnulf Deppermann und Prof. Dr. Elwys De Stefani werden insgesamt acht Vorträge zum Rahmenthema stattfinden:


21. September 2023, 16-18 Uhr, IDS Mannheim Flyer
Leelo Keevallik (Linköping):
Vocal and syntactic aspects of embodied togetherness

19. Oktober 2023, 16-18 Uhr, Universität Heidelberg
Lorenza Mondada (Basel):
Asking for a colleague’s opinion: joint action, space, and materiality at work

09. November 2023, 16-18 Uhr, IDS Mannheim
Christian Heath (London):
Handling objects: professional gesture, embedded instruction and the collaborative production of institutional tasks

30. November 2023, 16-18 Uhr, Universität Heidelberg
Sara Merlino (Rom):
Bodily practices in the treatment of aphasia: interactions from speech-language therapy

21. Dezember 2023
Vortrag entfällt!

Simona Pekarek Doehler (Neuchâtel):
Ad hoc ‘assemblies’ or systematic ‘packages’? On some regularities at the grammar-body interface

11. Januar 2024, 16-18 Uhr, Universität Heidelberg
Vortrag entfällt!
Christian Licoppe (Paris):
Visual noticings in video-mediated communication

01. Februar 2024, 16-18 Uhr, IDS Mannheim
Pentti Haddington (Oulu):
Dual embodiment and temporal/sequential misalignment in interactions in immersive virtual reality

22. Februar 2024, 16-18 Uhr, Universität Heidelberg
Richard Ogden (York):
Socialising the Paralinguistic
Abstract zum Vortrag:

Spoken conversation is full of ‘sound objects’ (Reber, 2012) like laughter, clicks, or interjections, which are ‘in’ speech, but not ‘of’ it. The majority of phoneticians class these kinds of sound as ‘paralinguistic’ – that is, as communicative and patterned, but not a part of language (e.g. Laver, 1994). 
Strikingly, many features of the phonetic/prosodic design of these kinds of sound object are also found in speech. Sound objects often give us ways to explore, for example, rhythm or pitch being used separately from linguistic material (see, e.g. Keevallik & Ogden, 2020, and papers therein). Despite high degrees of phonetic variability and even novelty in the form of unique tokens (or singularities; Enfield 2009: 13), participants unproblematically treat these sound objects as meaningful, even if the precise details of an individual instance are unique. What general practices are available to them to accomplish this?
In this talk I will focus on some of the phonetic and embodied details of some non-lexical vocalisations which occur post-completion (Schegloff, 1996: 90), which are elements that have a retrospective relation to the prior TCU, and which are oriented to in a next turn by a co-participant. The examples will include clicks and laughter. I will show how their phonetic (and other embodied) affordances provide for them to be integrated with the TCU they follow, and also provide resources to shape a response. The entrainment (mirroring, accommodation) of different phonetic elements of the design of these utterances is an important element of a response to them, and a way for a co-participant to display their understanding of them: hence the ‘socialising’ of the title.

Zeit: Donnerstag, 16:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Die Vorträge finden abwechselnd am IDS in Mannheim und an der Universität Heidelberg statt.

Adresse Mannheim: Vortragssaal des IDS, R 5, 6-13, Mannheim

Adresse Heidelberg: Universität Heidelberg, Neue Universität, Ehemaliger Senatssaal (2. OG), Grabengasse 3-5, Heidelberg

Alle Interessierten können am Vortrag via Zoom-Stream teilnehmen. Achtung: Der Vortrag von Christian Heath am 9. November 2023 wird nicht über Zoom übertragen. Hier ist nur die Teilnahme im IDS Mannheim möglich. 
Die Anmeldung zu den Vorträgen ist hier einsehbar: